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środa, 13 lutego 2019

Age of Sigmar Tzaangor Shaman Disciples of Tzeentch Level 2

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Tzangor Shamans are talented and powerful sorcerers known for their prophetic visions, born under dark signs, shamans are held in the highest respect and are usually gifted with Tzeentch's Disk that lifts them above their allies. Hello, today I will show you finite a sorcerer on the disk Tzaangor Shaman painted on level 2. I invite you.Tzangor Szamani są utalentowanymi i potężnymi czarownikami znanymi z ich proroczych wizji, urodzeni pod ciemnymi znakami, szamani są trzymani w najwyższym szacunku i są zwykle obdarzeni dyskiem Tzeentcha który podnosi ich ponad swoich sprzymierzeńców. Witam was, dziś pokaże wam skończonego maga na dysku czyli Tzaangor Shamana pomalowany na poziomie 2. Zapraszam.

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

Disciples of Tzeentch

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